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Essay/Term paper: Evolution of caesar

Essay, term paper, research paper:  World History

Free essays available online are good but they will not follow the guidelines of your particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on World History: Evolution Of Caesar, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Our writing service will save you time and grade.

Throughout the book "The Sacrilege," Caesar evolved from a political nothing, to a political mastermind. It is easy to see his progress through the eyes of a character by the name of Decius. He helps use to realize that Caesar wanted three main things in this scheme. He desired money, some military men, and finally a consulship. To get what he wanted, Caesar had to be smart, powerful, and a little sneaky. Decius changes his views on how he views Caesar through a series of events throughout the story. Decius gains respect for Caesar and so does every else who has seen Caesar in action.
At first, Decius doesn"t believe that Caesar will amount to much in his lifetime. He believes that Caesar would rather live a luxurious and relaxed life. Although Caesar didn"t think so. Burra, who thought that Caesar would be brilliant if he enlisted and controlled a legion, was exactly correct. Caesar, as history as shown, is a brilliant leader. Caesar believed that by leading you must not just make a plan, you must carry it out with his own manpower. He was always on his horse leading his pack through the bloodshed, not like many other leaders.
When Decius was talking to Milo towards the beginning of the story he says that Caesar is known for being "reckless." He recounts the story of the pirates that captured him. Also in that conversation, Decius puts down Caesar because he says that Caesar has no money and that even as Pontifex Maximus, he still doesn"t have any money. So he thinks less of Caesar when Milo tells him about a huge loan from Crassus to Caesar because he couldn"t pay off his debts.
Decius starts to gain respect for Caesar when he makes the announcement, as Pontifex Maximus, to label the "heinous" crime a "sacrilege." Caesar walks so seriously and confidently people "lose their stony faces" when Caesar arrives. Although when Caesar makes the remark of "Caesar"s wife must be above suspicion," Decius is the first person to burst out laughing. He loses some of the respect for Caesar that he will later notice.
Then Decius comes to a point where is gains full respect for Caesar. When Clodius is chasing him down, and they end up fighting each other in hand to hand combat, Caesar breaks in. At that point Decius says that he realizes how Caesar is able the manipulate people and break up crowds like "the parting of the sea." Caesar holds a very powerful position, Pontifex Maximus, which means that no blood can shed before his eyes. So when Clodius and Decius stop to listen to Caesar"s little speech, Decius is amazed at the seriousness, integrity, and powerful Caesar.
Finally, Decius realizes that Caesar is a very bright man when he asks for the evidence. Caesar doesn"t know what it is, but he knows there is something that has caused all this commotion, so he asks for it.
So through a series of events, some maybe not mentioned, Decius gains respect for Caesar. He realizes that Caesar holds a powerful position, is very intelligent, and can command a legion with great success. Decius underestimated Caesar at the beginning of this story, but now understands well the power of Caius Julius Caesar.


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